POBC Pantry is Expanding Access

Portland Open Bible Community Pantry is excited to share its newest satellite program: the Providence Pantry.

Partnering with Providence, POBC Pantry has supported the opening of a full-service food pantry, right in the health care center. This pantry provides access to healthy foods for patients and visitors who are screened for food insecurity, including providing fresh fruits and vegetables, meats and dairy, canned goods, and other shelf-stable home staples.

For many facing debilitating health challenges, ensuring a healthy and well-rounded diet can be both cost prohibitive and difficult, due to mobility issues, budgetary constraints, and transit constraints. With the Providence Pantry, folks can leave the hospital or health care setting with groceries in-hand, reducing the need for more out of home trips & getting the convenience of healthy food right at their doctor’s office.

Watch the segment on FOX12, a local news organization here in Portland, Oregon. Please consider making a donation today to help us expand programs like this, and help reach the under nourished and food insecure neighbors across our communities.


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