Giving Tuesday | Partner with Us.

Message from the Director

Over the last year, many of us have been focused on the ongoing war in Ukraine. Both on television and social media we get images of the persistent suffering that individuals on both sides have been made to endure.

Recently, one of our pantry volunteers was inputing the information for a new client, Alla (not her real name), that visited our pantry. On the back of her application she wrote, “I’m here new from Ukraine. Four months ago my home was destroyed. Thank you for providing this food for me.” Since her simple note, we have experienced a rise in the number of Ukrainian refugees we have been serving at the pantry.

We have learned that many of them live in homes with over 10 people in one dwelling.

Our pantry and your financial support have helped to ease the pain and grief that arises when these individuals must leave behind the place they love, and their family, who are often in danger.

The Ukrainian refugees are part of a large number of immigrants and refugees that we serve at our pantry. The different nationalities that come together each week due to food insecurity show enormous gratitude to our country and the support we give to so many.

On this “Giving Tuesday” we would like you to make the largest gift possible to our pantry.

It is your generosity that continues to build the “American Dream” in the hearts of many people around us. As I write this, the United States is about to kick off against England in the World Cup. The American team is young and their energy to win is contagious. I cannot help but smile as one player just said, “the sky is the limit.” That is what many immigrants feel about coming to the USA. The sky is the limit. Your giving will help many of them forget the difficulties that they have faced and begin to embrace and imagine a better much brighter future.

You help make that happen every week at our pantry.

Thank you once again for your on-going support!


POBC Pantry is Expanding Access


November 2022 • A Reason to be Thankful