October 2021 • They Suffer



The month of September was #HungerActionMonth.  All month long, the internet and local news organizations were focused on bringing awareness to those who daily live worried about having enough to eat.  Ben is an example of such a person.  He is an eight-year-old boy that comes from a family of seven.  Ben and his mother Jackie, live in one of Portland’s homeless shelters with his six other brothers and sisters. They have lived in the shelter for several years.  Their story doesn’t differ from that of many.  After the break-up of an abusive and life-threatening relationship, Jackie had the courage to leave and face her fear of homelessness. She did leave and got herself and her children to safety. 

 POBC Pantry has partnered with Human Solutions, one of the biggest homeless shelters in Oregon, to provide nutritious food for those living in some of their shelters.  This would include some the 125,000 kids in Oregon that are at risk of hunger.  Children at risk of hunger.  They are all around us and can be so easily ignored.  They are in our schools and hunger has made it impossible for them to learn and compete. They’re too hungry.  It doesn’t matter how good the math or English teacher is, hunger deafens the child sitting in the classroom.  

The problem is monumental, but part of the solution is simple...let’s provide them with food.  


Many of you have helped us do just that for several years.  

When Human Solutions approached us to partner with them, your financial support gave us the ability to say yes.   We knew the number of weekly families we were serving would increase significantly, but we had the confidence and faith to believe that the money we needed would come.  There was no chance that we were going to turn them away.  On a weekly basis we provide food for homeless men, women and children.  Often, we forget that there are children within the homeless community, and the voices of those children cry out of help.  It is our greatest privilege to help ease their suffering.

We are reaching out to you today to both thank you and ask for your continued support.  Serving over 4,000 Oregonians per month, we know that the work we are doing has caused many children to be able to listen more attentively and excel in school.  It has caused those who are working (but remain below the poverty line) to go to bed at peace because they know they were able to feed their kids that night.  

Your monthly donations have significantly changed the trajectory of the kids living in those homes.  Please continue to donate or begin to donate.  With the holiday season approaching,  the number of families accessing services historically always increases.  We invite you to include Portland Open Bible Community Pantry in your holiday giving this year.

Looking towards 2022, we have scheduled our yearly fundraiser to be held at The Gray Gables Estates on February 12. The theme is “Share the Love.”  At this time, we are looking for donations that we can auction off.  Here are some examples:  


1) A weekend stay in a cabin in the mountains or the beach

2) Fun family experiences, like a theme park

3) Date night picnic basket

4) Golf for a group of four

5) Chef’s table reservations


Our goal is to make $50,000 this year.  Your support will help us get there and continue to infiltrate our community with the hope that builds their resilience to keep moving forward.

We are so appreciative of the difference you make.  Please use the donation button below to donate now, and we invite you to become a monthly supporter of our community pantry.


November 2021 • Thanksgiving | Nothing Like it


August 2021 • Finding Community